El Zahy Group

contact us
Office Locations
We usually respond within 24 hours. Alternateively you’re welcome to call our offices.

Al Nozha Al Gedeeda, Al Moltaka Neighborhood
Masaken Sheraton , Cairo, Egypt

(+2) 02- 22 66 70 81
(+2) 02- 22 66 70 82


contact us
Office Locations
We usually respond within 24 hours. Alternateively you’re welcome to call our offices.

Al Nozha Al Gedeeda, Al Moltaka Neighborhood
Masaken Sheraton , Cairo, Egypt

(+2) 02- 22 66 70 81
(+2) 02- 22 66 70 82


What is AP Automation & How does It Work?

AP automation software forges stronger supplier relationships, and when a situation demands increased support or supply, vendors will be willing to go above and beyond to meet your needs. An AP automation solution extracts all invoice data and automatically compares the line items with the purchase order information that is synced in your system, which […]

Top 5 AP Automation Softwares for Efficient AP Management

In semi-manual AP management, some elements of the AP process are automated, while others still require human intervention. This could include automated data capture from invoices but manual verification and approval routing, or automated matching of invoices to purchase orders but manual exception handling. Though more comprehensive software may command higher prices, establishing a budget […]